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Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Garage Band at the CLC

On Wednesday 20th January we attended a Garage Band session at the CLC. We decided that we needed the training even though we did experiment with garage band whilst editing, but we found the software confusing and hard to use.
Personally, I felt very excited about learning how to figure out how to make the music with garage band, I felt anxious to see if my group could make the elements of our music research we really liked and apply the elements in the film, worried if when experimenting with garage band we would not find anything we could use due to the fact that our two minute opening is set in 1888 and I felt happy to finally learn about garage band and for our group adding and finding music that we all liked was hard and we all wanted to find the 'perfect' piece that suited our film.
I found it difficult because we did not have our film with us, so making our music we had to constantly think about our film and remember the main points and the timing they occur. However, once I started garage band I found it really enticing and interesting. I found myself looking through every sound and mixing about five sounds together to create a 2 minute and 25 seconds music.
I am looking forward to applying our sound to our film, but we will probably have to create the music as a group as we all worked as individuals.


Miss Foster said...

Great blogging about Garageband Dom - now what about 'From Hell'?

Get a clip, a still image/pic from ibm website and blog up what you thought of it and how it has inspired your group/how it links in to your genre etc..