Whilst we were filming we decided to add an assault scene which consists of stabbing which is not graphic as it is a point of view shot from the knife slashing the throat, we also had a rape scene where Jack the Ripper put his hand up the victims dress as it was believed he also raped some of his victims and some abuse shots where Jack is slapping, strangling and he also trips over the victim so she falls on the floor. Whilst filming we thought that adding these shots will be good and useful as it will give our film drama and we had in mind that horror and thriller films always have gore and horror.
Se7en- Trailer
However, after watching Se7en we realised that you can make a good thriller movie which does have implied horror. Whilst we were editing we decided that we would not have the assault shots as we believe that the shots were too graphic, which would make the viewer feel uncomfortable and I think it will make the viewer dislike the film as well if in the opening their is a rape and assault scene it will seem that the film will only get more violent. Also, if we did include the assault scene I feel that we would not have stuck with our storyline which was J the R stalking a women and he then murders her which was going to be implied. Also, the rape scene contradicted our research as their has never been proof of Jack the Ripper raping his victims and we only focused on the murders which we are suppose to be re-create the story of J the R and making it come alive on screen.
However, even though we decided not to use the rape or assault scene and make it implied we have decided to add a shot where Jack the Ripper is on top of the Victim and he picks up his knife and it looks like he is cutting out her internal organs. Even though this is not implied we feel that it gets the audience sitting on the edge of their seat, with the fear and the vulnerability of the victim is radiating of the screen which makes it so effective. With the use of this shot if the audience imagine how the victim is murdered it is horrible and spine chilling.
The ending of the film shows a photograph of the 'next victim' I originally thought that it was a good ending as we could carry on the story. After researching other movies I am going to discuss with my group that instead of ending our film like that we should use our shot we filmed of the close up and point of view of J the R shot of the victim screaming as I feel that it will be a good ending and it will be memorable as the audience would not be able to forget about it. After the victim screaming we could use the opening title of the film like Scary Movie as in my opinion it would be a very dramatic ending.
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