Final version to Ripper

Ripper Evaluation

Preliminary Task

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Ideas for the Name of our Film

In our group we have been trying to think of names that suit our Jack the Ripper themed two minute film. We came up with many ideas such as The Silver Knife which Jack the Ripper was known for. However, I am not sure about this name as I do not think that the viewer will know it symbolises Jack the Ripper and in our film we have a shot of the knife and 'blood' dripping of it we edited that shot so it is red, so Silver Knife would not fit in to the opening. Also, we came up with 1988 which is the year that the murders took place, but with this title I do not think it is catchy and I feel that if we named our film after the year we would need to explore the year more in depth to show how crime scenes were handled and we would need to get the historical context to do the name justice.
I recently watched Scary Movie it is a comedy film which mocks horror films as I was watching it I was amazed by how brilliant the title shot was and as I showed my group they also liked it.

Scary Movie

The film title is shown on 4.22 - 4.28. I like how there is a low angle shot before the titles of the murderer which shows his power in this stituation and a high angle shot of the victim showing her vulnerability. I like how the slash of the knife fits in with the sound which is a knife slashing. I love the editing of the shot as the titles are immediantly after the slash and the jump cut. I also like how the colouring of the text changes such as the text is white, then the red border over the white text and then red text. Also, I think how atmospheric the titles are and they also seem 3D when the text blurs and goes closer to the screen.
I was wondering if we could try and explore how my group could make our own ideas. I was thinking of getting fabric and ripping it for the sound over the titles as we are thinking about naming our movie Ripped or The Ripper, so I feel the sound will fit in with the name. I was also thinking about using the slashing as our opening titles but how we have edited our film so far it will not fit in and our film is also implied.
I will be looking out for other films and how they edit their credits to gain border ideas and knowledge about titles.